Try these recipes, using products available on our website. We'd love to see how you make them your own! Tag us on socials.


Chocolate C's Naan Pizza

Chocolate C's Naan Pizza

This recipe was developed by our student team from Loyola University Chicago's Dietetics Internship program. Ingredients : 4 Large Naan bread1/2 cup Tomato & Basil pizza sauce2 Taster packs of Chocolate C's...

Chocolate C's Naan Pizza

This recipe was developed by our student team from Loyola University Chicago's Dietetics Internship program. Ingredients : 4 Large Naan bread1/2 cup Tomato & Basil pizza sauce2 Taster packs of Chocolate C's...

Banzo Butter Snickerdoodle Cookies

Banzo Butter Snickerdoodle Cookies

This recipe was developed by our student team from Loyola University Chicago's Dietetics Internship program. This recipe makes 10 cookies Ingredients : 1 cup Gluten Free Flour3 Taster Pack (3oz) of Banzo...

Banzo Butter Snickerdoodle Cookies

This recipe was developed by our student team from Loyola University Chicago's Dietetics Internship program. This recipe makes 10 cookies Ingredients : 1 cup Gluten Free Flour3 Taster Pack (3oz) of Banzo...

Smoked or Roasted Turkey

Smoked or Roasted Turkey

A simple recipe for smoked or roasted Turkey. This recipe can be modified for your favorite cooking method!   Ingredients : 3 Old Arthur's Righteous Poultry Dry Rub taster packets3...

Smoked or Roasted Turkey

A simple recipe for smoked or roasted Turkey. This recipe can be modified for your favorite cooking method!   Ingredients : 3 Old Arthur's Righteous Poultry Dry Rub taster packets3...