Dry Rub Tofu w/ BBQ Sauce

Dry Rub Tofu w/ BBQ Sauce

This recipe was developed by our student team from Loyola University Chicago's Dietetics Internship program.

Ingredients :

1 9-14oz box of firm/extra firm tofu
1/2 Taster Pack (0.25oz) of Old Arthur's bootleg dry rub
4 Taster Pack of Chocolate C's Chipotle BBQ Sauce 
Canola Oil spray


Recipe :

1. Press tofu in between paper towels to remove as much excess water as possible

2. Cut tofu into approximately 1 cm cubes (2 oz weight each) 

3. Toss tofu in Old Arthur’s Bootleg Dry Rub 

4. Let tofu sit in dry rub for 15-20 minutes 

5. In a nonstick pan, spray pan with nonstick oil 

6. Cook tofu for 1-2 minutes on each side over medium heat 

7. Serve with Chocolate C’s Chipotle BBQ Sauce

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