Small Business Support
Today, November 27, is Small Business Saturday and marks a national call to shop small and support small businesses across the country. For us here at NakiNoku, it's a reminder about why we started this business. Having been struggling entrepreneurs in the food industry, we can relate to others with similar challenges. We're grateful for the manufacturing partners that have engaged with us in the last few months. Our conversations with founders about the struggle to scale their business are reminders that we have plenty of work ahead of us, but we're headed in the right direction.
Enabling Access
Small food manufacturers, especially new brands that got their start during the Covid pandemic, are struggling to get their products out to customers in ways that make sense for both manufacturers and the end user. Historcially, having access to the kind of exposure that a well-crafted sample packaging brings, was seen as something reserved for the well-known, national food brands. At Naki Noku, we're trying to crack the code for small businesses to have the same access and grow their business, without breaking the bank.
We get it. As an entrepreneur, you're wearing many hats and balancing so many tasks, all at the same time. Support for small businesses goes beyond just making a purchase that generates sales. It's an affirmation of the reason why you started at all and why you continue, despite the many times you've probably wanted to quit. Sometimes just getting that one "I love your product/service" email, receiving a positive review or a note of thanks from a customer, can make all the difference for an entrepreneur. If you're reading this as a supporter, please know that your support of a local business has an impact on so many levels!